Friday, January 24, 2014

Commencement Means Beginning ….

December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013 is a day that will be forever etched in my mind.

Watching Jimmy walk into the UNF arena decked out in his cap, gown and cords and take his seat with the UNF Class of 2013 was one of the most amazing experiences that we could share as a family.

It was the celebration, culmination and validation of many, many years of hard work. As I watched the ocean of blue gowns on the arena floor, I was flooded with memories of the past. Good memories and more difficult ones, too. I remembered Jimmy’s first day of school, elementary and middle school awards, the lead in the high school musical, acceptance letters rolling in from colleges and all of the celebrations that we were blessed to have over the years.

I also remembered more difficult times too–the early years of crying over the checkbook because there was too much month at the end of the money wondering if we were going to be able to afford our bills let alone his Montessori School tuition …and later his Prepaid college.  Working hard to build stability, security and a future in our small town.

The road that got us to that moment was blessed…but it was not easy.   It was the end of a journey.

But the end of one journey is just the beginning of another…it’s a Commencement.

As Jimmy continues his on his path toward Peace Corp Service and James and I continue on our path towards our dream of traveling we know that our future journeys will take us in different directions.  But one thing I know – is that the bond of love and family forged through years of hard work, sacrifices and celebrations will always keep us close regardless of where we are.

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