Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reflections on Parenting -- 4 Principles That Worked for Us

Last week, I ordered Jimmy's cap and gown for his college graduation.

It's hard to believe that in less than two months he will walk onto the stage at the UNF arena and receive his Bachelor's degree.  James and I could not be more proud.  It has been such a blessing to watch him work hard and become the amazing young man that he is.

These past two weeks I've found myself reflecting on our journey as parents -- the things that we've done right ( and wrong) that have gotten us to this point.  A friend once told me that we should write a book about parenting (which I'm sure was meant as a compliment and not literally). But as I reflected about our journey this week, I thought I'd share a few of things that worked for our family:

1. Be a United Front -- If I had to pick one word that is critical to parenting it is:  CONSISTENCY.   Children need discipline, boundaries and rules at home so that they can learn self control and how to function in society. It is not uncommon for parents who come from different backgrounds to disagree on parenting methods. It is important come to an agreement and to always back each other up...consistently.

2. Instill a Love of Lifelong Learning - When they are little...Read, Read, Read...and then Read some more. Children develop a language skills and creativity by being read to.  Reading to, and with, your child creates a bond. James would read to Jimmy even before he was born, and some of our best childhood memories with Jimmy are of reading books together. Help them explore their interest through books and educational material.  Talk to them early in life about the importance of going to college. When they're school aged, be involved in their education and make sure that their self-esteem isn't tied to academic performance. Encourage them in the subjects that they are good in, and help them in the ones that they need help in. We are all made up of strengths and weaknesses. It is important to balance the pressures that schools can create with testing and ranking and not let those things damage their self-esteem or turn them off to education.

3. Put your Money where your Mouth is - Invest in your child's education. If you tell them it's important for them to get an education...then show them that you believe in them by investing (even a little bit) in their future and encourage them to learn fiscal responsibility and restraint by encouraging them to save some of their own money for their future. We invested in Florida Prepaid college. We could not be more grateful that we made that investment...even during the times when it was difficult for us financially.  Jimmy earned several scholarships and Bright Futures but the cost of a college education (even at an in-state public university) is very costly. We could not have done it had it not been for the Florida Prepaid investment.

4. Responsibility and Rights of Passage - Teach the importance of responsibility at a young age. It seems that too often we associate rights of passage with the "freedoms" that they will bring without teaching that freedom is counterbalanced by responsibility.  James and I were strong believers that helping with chores, and maintaining good grades were Jimmy's "responsibilities", and by demonstrating to be responsible then he would "earn" his privileges and freedoms. But it needs to start at a very young -- that way they learn the importance of making good choices-- before the choices become "bigger" and more significant.

These are just four principles that stand out from our journey through parenthood and just a glimpse at some of the things that I think made a difference for us.

Its been an incredible journey.

It seems like just yesterday I was writing this letter Jimmy when he went off to I read it now, I'm amazed at how many of his dreams he fulfilled in his short time at UNF...

..and as usual, I can't wait to see what lies ahead for our family after graduation.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Cedar Key Trip

We’ve hit the ground running since coming back from Cedar Key.  It’s been a busy week with work and school, but when I come home and see our beautiful trailer parked in the yard…I can’t help but smile and daydream about our future travels.

It was a wonderful first trip and a great learning experience.

We really learned a lot about the trailer, hooking up, packing up, backing it into a space, hitching the truck, connecting everything and emptying and flushing tanks, etc. etc. We came back with a list of items to research, purchase and some warranty issues that need to be addressed – mainly, the Air Conditioning!  A few days into the trip the unit could not keep up. We made the best of it by running a fan and going to town during the hottest parts of the day, but we are definitely going to have it fixed soon!  We took it in stride, though. We know these first few trips are going to be all about learning.

Low Key Hideaway was the perfect place to make this trip.  We had an amazing time.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Pat and Cindy Bonish are wonderful people and have been a great source of inspiration.  This trip gave us the opportunity to get to know them better and talk to them. They made us feel like family.  Here is one of my favorite pictures from this trip – our trailer next to theirs—the one that they used to travel the country full-time for four years. It’s neat to think about all of the amazing places they’ve had the opportunity to call “home” because of that trailer.

Cedar Key never disappoints.  We had the chance to experience some amazing sunsets and wildlife, and the most beautiful starry night sky I have ever seen.  You know it’s a good vacation when daily(sometimes more than once a day) we found ourselves telling each other how blessed we felt to be there.  Nature has a way of really reminding us that life does not need to be as complicated as we make it sometimes.

Here are some photos from the trip:

Now to plan the next adventure!  Likely we will plan our next trip for December.
Feel free to leave suggestions of  Florida campgrounds if you’d like !

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Maiden Voyage

The Maiden Voyage! 
Monday, September 30, 2013

Like a kid at Christmas time – I could hardly sleep the night before leaving for our trip to Cedar Key.   By 3am I was wide awake and having coffee to get started with the day.  By the time James got home at 7am after his shift, I had stocked the pantry, showered, washed and dried my hair and was ready to load up and go.  

But, loading up and hitching up for the first time required  some time and patience. We had to carefully put the weight distributing hitch back on, load up the bikes and grill, and check and re-check to make sure that we weren’t forgetting anything.  Finally, at noon we were ready to roll out!  

Exhausted ( James hadn’t slept much either) and excited….we hit the road for the first time.  The road trip went smoothly and after stopping in Ocala for lunch, we were rolling into Low Key Hideaway at 4PM.  
Backing the rig up was a learning experience.  I didn’t really know how to direct James …but I quickly received some pointers from Cindy ( one of the owners of LowKey who is a very experienced RVer). We leveled the rig, set up the waterline, sewer line without any issues.  It felt good to actually be out setting up for real, instead of just planning.

After setting up we made our way to the famous Low Key Hideaway Tiki Bar and celebrated our arrival.  This is going to be a great trip!


Preparations   September 29, 2013

In the weeks before our trip we began our preparation to hit the road.  We bought some supplies from Independence RV when we purchased the trailer, like the water and sewage lines, tank treatment product, LED lights and the hitch.  But as we’ve watched videos and read articles about RVing we realized that we would need a few more supplies to get started.  A visit to Amazon helped us obtain some roof vent covers, a sewer hose holder and some other items.

The weekend before leaving we installed some vent covers over the roof vents to allow for better air circulation and I took some time to see how the connections for water and sewer would work. As a first time RVer – the prospect of hooking up and making sure that your connections work is a little intimidating.  We are fortunate that there are some very good forums like and YouTube  that have a wealth of information on how to hook up.  But, we know that the no matter how much you read of view videos, the only way to really learn is to just get out there and do it.

Here are some picks of James installing the Camco RV Vent covers that we bought on Amazon.

It is good thing that we installed the vent covers, because during that process we realized that the front vent cover on the trailer was cracked!  It sits right over our bed, so it is a good thing that it is now weatherproof.

We are looking forward to heading out to Cedar Key on the Maiden Voyage of Casita de Everett.